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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Michael Koppmann at TEDxTUWien 2022

Our colleague Michael Koppmann was invited to hold a talk at the TEDxTUWien 2022 on December 11. At TEDxTUWien 2022 “Turning Points”, a diverse set of speakers tell their stories and how sustainability plays an important role in their life. Title of the talk The Era of Green Software … Read More
Michael Koppmann at TEDxTUWien 2022

Dr. Maria Schaumayer Stiftungsaward an Isabell Lederer

Für ihre Diplomarbeit „Selection Guidelines for Backdoor-based Model Watermarking“ wurde Isabell Lederer ausgezeichnet. Sie setzt sich darin mit der steigenden Komplexität von Machine Learning-Modellen und der wachsenden Dringlichkeit zum Schutz dieses geistigen Eigentums auseinander.

Webinar: Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs

On November 22, 2022 the Webinar Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs took place. Tomasz Miksa, senior researcher at SBA, held a talk and even organized all speakers and structured the content. This webinar, presented by the RDA DMP Common Standards WG, familiarizes participants with the RDA recommendation… Read More
Webinar: Integrating Research Data Management Services using maDMPs

BSides Vienna 2022

SBA Research was once again supporter of this years’ conference BSides, a conference organized by former colleagues of SBA Research. The conference took place on November 19th, 2022 in Vienna. BSides want to promote independent security research and education as well as discourse and collaboration within the community.

Padel event at SBA

We at SBA love joint activities. Be it BBQs, hiking tours or parties, we have great times together. 🙂 Last Friday, November 18th, we tried something new: with two trainers we gained insight in the trend sport Padel. At the C&C Wienerberg we first had some training hours and afterwards… Read More
Padel event at SBA

Dagstuhl Report: Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security

Matthias Eckhart, researcher at SBA, published the report for the Dagstuhl Seminar 22171 in April 2022. The full report is now online. Title „Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security“ (click to download the pdf) Authors Alvaro Cárdenas Mora, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani, Edgar Weippl, Matthias Eckhart Report… Read More
Dagstuhl Report: Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems Security

Inaugural lecture Andreas Holzinger

SBA Research congratulates Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger on his inaugural lecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Andreas Holzinger is a founding member of CD-MAKE (Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction), co-organized yearly with ARES,… Read More

gAia Projekt mit SBA Research: Vorreiter in der Naturkatastrophenprognose

In einem aktuellen Artikel von APA Science über die Schwierigkeiten bei der Vorhersage von Naturkatastrophen wird das gAia Projekt hervorgehoben. In Zusammenarbeit mit SBA Research und anderen Partnern strebt das Projekt danach, die Genauigkeit der Vorhersagen durch innovative Ansätze und modernste Technologien zu verbessern. Durch die Nutzung von Echtzeitdaten und… Read More