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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Bernhard Grill auf der GI SICHERHEIT 2014

Bernhard Grill präsentiert auf der GI SICHERHEIT 2014, die vom 19. – 21. März 2014 an der TU Wien stattfindet, seinen Beitrag: “Complex Systems, Heterogeneous Attackers and Versatile Controls: Simulation Based Decision Support in IT Security Management”. Christoph Hochreiner präsentiert seinen Beitrag: “InnoDB Datenbank Forensik: Rekonstruktion von Abfragen über… Read More

SBA Research @ Troopers14

Adrian Dabrowski gives a talk at the “Telco Security Day” on March 18th. Sebastian Schrittwieser and Peter Frühwirt give a talk on Security Obsucrity, powered by HTTPS on March 20th in the main track at Troopers14. Read more. Troopers14 is the seventh edition of the IT-Security Conference,… Read More

Katharina Krombholz is invited by the Minister of Technology Doris Bures

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Minister of Technology, Doris Bures, invited Katharina Krombholz, IT security researcher at SBA Research, to the BMVIT for a photo shooting. Katharina Krombholz started her career in research with a funded FEMtech internship and was subsequently offered a full-time employment at… Read More

CSSLP rated #1 certification

The CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional) has been rated #1 (1, 2) in the list of skill certifications that will increase in value during the first half of 2014. The CSSLP certifies your application security competency within the software development lifecycle and helps you prove your proficiency… Read More

Protecting Embedded Systems against Side-channel and Fault Attacks

Guest talk by Stefan Mangard (TU Graz) Protecting Embedded Systems against Side-channel and Fault Attacks During the last 15 years there has been a kind of an arms race between attacks and countermeasures on embedded systems. In particular the process in attack setups/techniques for side-channel and fault attacks… Read More

SBA zu Bitcoin in der Wiener Zeitung

Aljosha Judmayer und Martin Mulazzani erklären in einem aktuellen Artikel in der Wiener Zeitung die technischen Hintergründe und Probleme zum Thema Bitcoins. Den ganzen Artikel finden Sie hier.                … Read More

Stefan Jakoubi & Andreas Tomek als Experten bei AON Austria – 27. Februar 2014, Graz

Stefan Jakoubi und Andreas Tomek sprechen als Experten bei der Veranstaltung “Weltkonzern als Krisenfeuerwehr: Risikomanagement – Special / Cyber Risks” , organisiert von der AON Austria, zu dem Thema: “Cyber Risks – Wieviel Sicherheit braucht meine Firma? & “Live Hacking”. Veranstaltungsprogramm und Details zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.