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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA Research @ USENIX

Adrian Dabrowski, Martina Lindorfer and Johanna Ullrich visited the flagship conference Usenix Security Symposium, held from 20-22 August in San Diego, California. As usual, the conference hosted a variety of interesting talks covering a vast amont of different aspects in computer security. Johanna presented her paper on IPv6 Security at… Read More

Visit at SBA Research

A delegation of professors and researchers from the Changwon National University in South Korea visited SBA Research to learn about the successful COMET model where industry and researchers collaborate tightly in long-term research projects.

TechCamp Summer School

Edgar Weippl gave the opening lecture of the TechCamp Summer School that is organized in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology and our partner company LBS, funded by the European Union. The TechCamp takes place from 19 – 28 August, 2014 at the Vienna University of Technology. 30 students… Read More

“Make sure you have all the updates; make sure you use a browser that is not standard; and pursue more training—talk about the threat.”

Engin Kirda et al. analyzed nearly 1,500 suspicious e-mail messages targeting a human-rights NGO. “The team found that, while the malware managed to reliably evade detection by many antivirus programs, the attacks were relatively unsophisticated, using known vulnerabilities that had already been patched.” Read the whole article here. The paper will be presented… Read More

“Passwörter wiederzuverwenden ist sehr gefährlich”

Andreas Tomek im Gespräch mit Futurezone über den kürzlich bekannt gewordenen Diebstahl von 1,2 Millionen Zugangsdatensätzen: “Die Wiederverwendung von Passwörtern ist sehr gefährlich”, meint Andreas Tomek. “Wenn das bei Bezahlwebseiten oder Online-Geldbörsen passiert, hat man ein Problem.” Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel hier.

“Malware in Silicon II” Abschluss-Event

Malware in Silizium wird ein zunehmend wichtigeres Thema. Da die Aufrechterhaltung eines Fabs sehr teuer ist, verlagern immer mehr Unternehmen Ihre Chip Produktion zu Auftragsfertigern ins Ausland. Doch wer garantiert, dass nicht absichtliche Backdoors oder Datenlecks in die Chips eingeschleust werden? Das Projekt “Malware in Silicon II”* präsentiert seine Ergebnisse… Read More

SACMAT 2015 in Vienna

SACMAT 2015 will be held in Vienna from June 1-3; SBA Research is the local organizer.      

Dimitris Simos at JAMAICA 2014

Dimitris Simos gives a talk on July, 21st in the second Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions  (JAMAICA 2014) about Test Automation and Model-based Testing. The workshop is co-located with the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2014) taking place at Hilton San Jose, Bay Area, California, USA during… Read More