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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

SBA presents international IFIP activities at Imagine 2015.

At the IMAGINE 2015 meeting Edgar Weippl gave an overview of international activities that SBA Research organizes in cooperation with IFIP WG 8.4. The next business meeting for the WG is planned for August in Toulouse, co-located with the ARES conference. Moreover, we presented the support that SBA research… Read More

SBA Research @ OCG Jahrestagung 2015

SBA Research was part of the “OCG Jahrestagung 2015”. On Wednesday, June 10, Adrian Dabrowski and Aljosha Judmayer entertained the participants with our “Myth-Busters” session “Hollywood Hacking by SBA Research”. Afterwards we participated in the workshop “Privacy & Security” which was organized and led by Egdar Weippl. Read More

UberGrape first part of SBA’s Accelerator Program

UberGrape is the first Start-Up company to become part of the SBA Research Accelerator Program. The cooperation was officially announced during the yearly “IMPACT” event on May 28th. Their primary product is ChatGrape, an innovative communication solution for companies that intends to displace e-mail for inter-company communication. The solution uses semantic… Read More

Diskurs Digital – Keine einsamen Entscheidungen mehr!

„Akzeptanz und Legitimität im Umfeld von Online-Partizipation” Heute fand die Veranstaltung “Diskurs Digital|Keine einsamen Entscheidungen mehr!”, unterstützt von SBA Research und organisiert von Liquid Participation, statt. Organisationen stehen immer wieder vor der Herausforderung: Wie entwickle ich programmatische Positionen? Was legitimiert und qualifiziert Personen zur Beteiligung? Diese und weitere Fragen sollen in… Read More

Martin Mulazzani held talk @is4is summit Vienna 2015

Martin Mulazzani held a talk today at the first is4is summit (http://summit.is4is.org/about), organized by Prof. Wolfgang Hofkirchner. The topic was “Ethics in IT Security Research”: Research in IT security often comes with decisions and possibilities that may or may not be considered ethical. However, it is often hard for… Read More

ACM Senior Member Award for Artemios Voyiatzis

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) awarded Artemios G. Voyiatzis the Senior Member Grade. The Senior Member Grade recognizes those ACM members with at least 10 years of professional experience and five years of continuous professional membership who have demonstrated performance that sets them apart from their peers. Read More

Das war die IMPACT 2015 – 28. Mai 2015

Bei der IMPACT 2015 haben wir gemeinsam mit hochkarätigen Vortragenden aus den Bereichen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, u.a. Andreas Moser, Google Switzerland und Mario de Boer, Security Analyst Gartner, die Brücke von der Forschung zum Markt gebaut und aufgezeigt, wie wir bei SBA Research Wissen und Wissenschaft anwendbar machen. Beim anschließenden Jahresfest blieb ausreichend Zeit für… Read More


Today is the first day of SACMAT 2015, which takes place from June 1 – 3, 2015 at the TU Wien and is hosted by SBA Research. Bart Preneel (KU Leuven, Belgium) holds today his keynote about Post-Snowden Threat Models. Website