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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Recent News:

Digital Business Trends: Ja dürfen die denn das?

Edgar Weippl was on a panel discussion on new business models, technology and legal constraints. “Cloud solutions allow startups to scale their technical infrastructure quickly, but scaling is hard when it comes to different national legal systems” (OTS, Video statements, Photos). Photos: APA-Fotoservice/Preiss… Read More

ERCIM News No. 102

The ERCIM News No. 102 has just been published at http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en102 SBA Research contributed with two articles: CyPhySec: Defending Cyber-Physical Systems by Johanna Ullrich and Edgar Weippl CyberROAD: Developing a Roadmap for Research in Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism by Peter Kieseberg

Vienna Cyber Diplomacy Day

Ulrich Bayer, Aljosha Judmayer and Edgar Weippl presented how cyber-fraud is conducted and use and misuse of BitCoin at the Vienna Cyber Diplomacy Day organized in Hofburg. Read More

SBA Research im Standard.at: Windows Server 2003 noch auf Drittel aller Server: Support-Ende im Juli

“Die IT-Sicherheitsexperten von SBA Research gehen davon aus, dass derzeit noch rund ein Drittel aller Server auf dem veralteten System laufen – und sehen daher entsprechenden Handlungsbedarf. „E-Mail-Server, Web-Server oder gar Netzwerk-Server können nicht mehr sicher gegen Bedrohungen abgeschirmt werden, wenn es keinen aktuellen Support dafür gibt. Das stellt eine… Read More


SBA Research sends several students to IPICS, Edgar Weippl gives a lecture and we also sponsor the summer school.

Researchers of SBA Research found several critical security vulnerabilities in the Koha Library software via Combinatorial Testing

Raschin Tavakoli, Bernhard Garn, Peter Aufner and Dimitris Simos of the Combinatorial Security Testing Team of SBA Research found several critical security vulnerabilities in the Koha Library Software. The vulnerabilities involve a variety of serious issues like unauthenticated SQL Injection, Local File Inclusions, XSS and XRFS which allow remote attackers to completely… Read More

SBA Research as experts on “Supernowak”

Katharina Krombholz and Matthias Gusenbauer served as IT experts on “Supernowak”, produced by Puls4 and broadcasted on June 11, 2015. Together with Rainhard Nowak they showed how many data one is unknowingly releasing while shopping, running or googling. Read More

The Future of Cloud

At the Event ‘The Future of Cloud’ organized by AIT and Eurocloud Edgar Weippl gave a presentation on cloud security and was on the panel on discussing research challenges in cloud computing.

Book Chapter released

Johanna Ullrich and Edgar Weippl contributed a chapter to the The Cloud Security Ecosystem edited by Ryan Ko and Raymond Choo. The book comprehensively discusses a range of cloud security topics from multi-disciplinary and international perspectives, aligning technical security implementations with the most recent developments in business, legal, and international… Read More