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Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Expert talk with Petra Schmidt

June 21, 2022 , 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Talk: How can we preserve the internet as a place of free exchange without being technophobic?

The internet transformed from a free community of knowledge exchange to a place dominated by global financial interests. Together with an ongoing digitalization, the digital space has turned from a free playground into a place that is often totally monitored. How can we respond to these tendencies through civil society? How can we preserve the internet as a place of free exchange without being technophobic?

Speaker & Details

  • Petra Schmidt, epicenter.works
  • Talk language: English
  • Event on site at SBA Research

About the Speaker

Petra Schmidt, M.A. of cultural studies with long nerd expertise from Berlin. She speaks Python, has been professionally involved with computers since the 90s, advising associations and SMEs on data protection since 2018 , and developing digitalization strategies with them. She gives trainings on digital security and speaks at conferences on data protection, data security and the need for privacy. Since 2021, she has been Communication Manager at epicenter.works – Plattform Grundrechtspolitik, where she leads projects such as most recently “ethicsinapps.eu”, in which a manifesto for ethical apps was developed.

epicenter.works is a civil society organization with an approach that covers practical aspects, political work, and social concern. Our topic is the digital society and the corresponding issues that automatically arise from it – civil rights and data protection. Often, the two issues are directly intertwined. We advocate for this with theoretical assessments, policy positions and also directly with projects and demonstrations. We take a close look to ensure that human rights are not neglected in the digitalization process.


17:30 Welcome
17:40 Expert Talk
19:30 Community Topics with Snacks & Drinks

Free Registration

Please register via our Meetup Group Women in Privacy & Security Vienna

About the event series

The Women in Privacy & Security Vienna Meetup Group welcomes all female students, young academics, allies and advocates, dedicated to bringing talented women together to celebrate and foster their passion and drive for privacy and security.

This meetup group is founded by female experts from SBA Research, TU Wien and University of Vienna (Members of VISP Vienna Security Privacy Research Cluster Vienna).

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This event is hosted by Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter and IEEE SMC/CS Austria Chapter.

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