Stephanie Jakoubi, SBA Research & VÖSI, will introduce the VÖSI Special Interest Group on Safety & Security at the Jahresauftakt 2021.
18:00 Welcome
18:05 Barbara Wimmer (Futurezone): Hilfe ich habe meine Privatsphäre aufgegeben – book presentation
18:30 Sandra Heissenberger, MBA (CISO der Stadt Wien): Die Wiener Informationssicherheitsstrategie
18:50 Stephanie Jakoubi (SBA Research & head of VÖSI SIG Safety & Security): Die VÖSI Special Interest Group (SIG) Safety & Security: Ziele und Aktivitäten 2021
19:10 Q&A
- Stephanie Jakoubi (SBA Research)

About VÖSI
The Austrian Software Industry Association (VÖSI) is the only independent Austrian platform for companies in the software industry. Its goal is to strengthen the Austrian software industry nationally and internationally, to create framework conditions for sustainable economic success and to promote the social discourse on software.
- Registration
- Presentations in German only
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