I want to break free: The attacker inside a Container
Container environments provide an improved level of security compared to “just-run it side by side on one box”. But is it enough? What can the attacker do with limited access? What can possibly go wrong?
We will do a hands on experiment what security measures are efficient and which are just a nice buzz-word.
Buzz words: Docker, rkt, DALC, MAC, Linux, Capabilities, SecComp
Reinhard Kugler, SBA Research
Talk language: English
Reinhard Kugler is Principal Security Consultant at SBA Research. He focuses on secure software engineering, infrastructure security and malware analysis. Currently his main activities concentrate on penetration testing.
17:55: Gathering
18:00: Talk: “I want to break free: The attacker inside a Container” by Reinhard Kugler
18:30: Q&A
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