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SBA @ SAINT 2024

Sebastian Raubitzek, researcher at SBA research within CORE research group, will give a lecture on “Chaos, Complexity and Neural Network Time Serie Predictions”.

SAINT 2024

The Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT) is an event that is all about artificial intelligence. The focus is on the exchange of experiences between the community participants and is intended to bring the different roles such as scientists, industry partners, students and generally interested parties closer together.


Sebastian Raubitzek studied theoretical Physics at the University of Graz where he graduated with a Master of Science. He then did a PhD in Computer Science at TU Wien with a focus on ways to combine ideas from chaos theory and complexity research with artificial intelligence.

His research interests include Complexity Research, Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Physics, Quantum Physics and Chaos.

Further information

CORE – Complexity and Resilience Group


Registration for SAINT 2024