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(Remote) Software Security 101: Secure Coding Basics

February 23, 2021
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join SBA Research’s Thomas Konrad‘s training on the basics of secure coding at the sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp!

Software Security 101: Secure Coding Basics

This is a completely free 3-hour training on the basics of secure coding. Although the examples will only be in one programming language each, most concepts can be applied to any language and type of software. You’ll get a good overview of the following aspects of secure coding:

  • Introduction
  • Secure coding practices
  • Clean code
  • Dependency management


Ideally, you have some experience in software development, no matter what language. But even if you are just getting started with developing software, this is fine as well. There will definitely something to take away for you.


  • Thomas Konrad (principal information security consultant at SBA Research)

Free for everyone!

Register here

sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp

The sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp is a Vienna-based security event which targets one very specific group: people involved in software development. It is our mission to bring together the best industry professionals, thus having a sustainable and positive impact on the software security landscape.