OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook (OTMP)
In this Meetup Sebastien Deleersnyder will introduce you to the Threat Modeling Playbook (OTMP)!
We aim to improve product and software security with our new OWASP threat modeling playbook. We consider threat modeling as a foundational activity to improve your software assurance. We are convinced that a good threat modeling practice will measurably decrease security issues of delivered products.
As strong believers in open source, active OWASP collaborators and to increase our impact beyond our Toreon customers, we donate this threat modeling playbook to the community.
We hope you will use this playbook to improve your threat modeling practice. We also encourage you to provide feedback to our OWASP threat modeling community in order to make this playbook even better in our next release.
Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP SAMM co-leader, CEO Toreon
Talk language: English
Sebastien Deleersnyder is co-founder and CEO of Toreon. He started the Belgian OWASP chapter, co-leads the OWASP SAMM project, and co-founded the yearly BruCON conference. With a background in development and many years of experience in security, Seba has trained countless developers to create more secure software. He adapts application security models to the evolving field of DevOps and brings Threat Modeling to a wider audience (including teaching Whiteboard Hacking at Black Hat).
17:55: Gathering
18:00: Talk: OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook (OTMP) by Sebastien Deleersnyder
18:30: Q&A
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