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(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Using HTTPS by Default: How Web Servers Can Make the Web More Secure

April 28, 2020
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Using HTTPS by Default: How Web Servers Can Make the Web More Secure” by Matthew Holt ( (Full-time open source developer, project lead of the Caddy web server)

Target Group
Developers, IT operations, DevOps
Eventually, browsers and other Web clients will require all sites to use TLS. But turning on properly-configured TLS is not as simple as flipping a switch… unless your server does it automatically and by default. This talk briefly goes over how that is possible and what kind of usable security we should expect from all web servers in this decade.

The Program and all details can be found here: SBA Live Academy

About the SBA Live Academy

We are all asked to stay home for the time being.
Invest your home office time in further educating yourself with the SBA Live Academy:

  • free of charge
  • 3x / week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
  • 13.00 – 13.30
  • 20-minute live talk with one of our IT & Information Security Experts
  • Including Q&A on technical and organizational issues

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