SBA Live Academy: I know what they did last Summer…
Guest Talk
I know what they did last Summer…
by Andreas Tomek, KMPG
Zielgruppe CISOs, IT Security Officers, Incident Responder |
Ausrichtung organisatorisch & technisch |
Abstract Der Vortrag behandelt Erfahrungen & Tips aus Security Incident Response Aufträgen und IT-Forensik Untersuchungen in den letzten Jahren im Überblick. Es werden technische, organisatorische & kommunikative Aspekte von Security Vorfällen betrachtet und wie bei jedem guten Film gibt es viel Potential für Fortsetzungen |
Sprache Deutsch |

The Program and all details can be found here: SBA Live Academy
About the SBA Live Academy
We are all asked to stay home for the time being.
Invest your home office time in further educating yourself with the SBA Live Academy:
- free of charge
- 3x / week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
- 13.00 – 13.30
- 20-minute live talk with one of our IT & Information Security Experts
- Including Q&A on technical and organizational issues

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