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(Remote) SBA Live Academy: A Primer in Single Page Application Security (Angular, React, Vue.js)

April 21, 2020
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

SBA Live Academy: A Primer in Single Page Application Security (Angular, React, Vue.js)

A Primer in Single Page Application Security (Angular, React, Vue.js)
by Thomas Konrad

Target Audience
Everyone involved in software development (developers and team leaders in software-oriented companies)
Single Page Application frameworks have brought us a boost in clean application architecture and also security, mainly because of a better separation of concerns. But using an SPA framework alone does not automatically get you bullet-proof security. There is still a lot to look out for, and, for example, XSS is not a fully solved problem yet. In this talk, we’ll explore the most important security pitfalls SPA frameworks and how to solve them. We’ll also compare some of the security features of the most common SPA frameworks Angular, React and Vue.js.

The Program and all details can be found here: SBA Live Academy

About the SBA Live Academy

We are all asked to stay home for the time being.
Invest your home office time in further educating yourself with the SBA Live Academy:

  • free of charge
  • 3x / week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
  • 13.00 – 13.30
  • 20-minute live talk with one of our IT & Information Security Experts
  • Including Q&A on technical and organizational issues

Join our MeetUp Group or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to get the talk announcement including the link to the live session just before the talk starts!