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June 13, 2023 , 2:30 pm - 9:00 pm


We’re happy to organize our yearly event for partners and friends of SBA once again in June 2023. This year, we are placing IMPACT 2023 under the motto SBA Research – connecting since 2006.

Please note that participation in the event is by invitation only!

We want to celebrate our long-standing relationship with some of the best research and educational institutions in Austria and Germany. For this purpose, we have been able to attract top-class speakers:

The keynote on “Differential Privacy” will be held by Prof.in Dr.in Monika Henzinger, Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and Visiting Researcher at the University of Vienna at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Univ.Prof.in Dr.in sc. Maria Christakis, Full Professor at TU Wien Informatics, will then give a talk on “Rigorous Software Engineering”.

Our Lightning Talks provide insights into the work of the research and consulting department of SBA Research as well as renowned partner institutions such as  AITDanubetech or the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.


Starting 14:30
Open Doors with coffee and cake

15:00 Soft Start
Christian Kudera/SBA Research “Hollywood Hacking
“Hacking” scenes from film and television will be subjected to a reality check in an entertaining way.

15:45 Pause

Official welcome

KEYNOTE: Differential Privacy
Prof.in Dr.in Monika Henzinger

TALK: Rigorous Software Engineering
Univ.Prof.in Dr.in sc. Maria Christakis

18:00 Pause

Lightning Talks

Christian Resch / DCNA – Disaster Competence Network Austria: “Wissens- und Technologietransfer zur Krisenprävention”
Corinna Schmitt / University of the Bundeswehr Munich: “Die 3 ??? der Cybersicherheit”
Mina Schütz / AIT: “Methoden gegen Fake News”
Markus Sabadello / Danube Tech: “The Threat of Semantic Slavery in Europe’s Upcoming Digital Identity Infrastructure”
Caroline Lawitschka / Universität Wien: “LLM Prompt Injection Attacks and Mitigation Strategies”
Michael Koppmann / SBA Research: “The Era of Green Software” 

SBA Reception

About the speakers

Prof.in Dr.in Monika Henzinger 

(C) Barbara Mair

Monika Henzinger ist Informatikerin. Sie entwickelt und erforscht Algorithmen für Computer, insbesondere Optimierungs‐ und Graphalgorithmen. Außerdem beschäftigt sie sich mit der algorithmischen Spieltheorie und der computergestützten Verifikation.

Seit 2023 ist sie Professorin am Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) in Klosterneuburg. Davor war sie von 2009-2023 Professorin an der Universität Wien in Computational Science und Informatik.


Differential Privacy under Continual Observation


Differential privacy is a rigorous mathematical definition of the privacy properties of an algorithm. While there is already a large body of work on static differential privacy, much less work has been done for differential private algorithm with dynamic inputs, called differential privacy under continual observation. In this talk I give an overview of the state of the art of differential private dynamic algorithms and their main challenges.

Univ.Prof.in Dr.in sc. Maria Christakis

(C) Oliver Dietze

Since September 2022, Maria Christakis is a full professor at TU Wien, leading the Software Engineering research unit. Her techniques and tools explore novel ways in writing, specifying, verifying, analyzing, testing, and debugging programs in order to make them more robust while improving the developer experience. Before joining TU Wien, she was doing research at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany, the University of Kent in England, Microsoft Research in the US, and ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Since 2022, Maria was awarded an ERC Starting grant, a WWTF ICT grant as well as a Google Research Scholar award.


Rigorous Software Engineering


My research vision is to make program analysis applicable to a broad range of users and software. I am primarily interested in developing theoretical foundations and practical tools for building more reliable software and increasing developer productivity. My main focus is on investigating rigorous methods in software engineering, such as automatic test generation, static program analysis, and software verification. In this talk, I will give an overview of my current research and delve deeper into techniques for testing program analyzers and machine-learning models.

Mina Schütz, MSc

Mina Schütz completed her master’s degree in information science at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences in May 2020 and has been a doctoral student there at the PZAI for applied computer science since the end of 2020. In addition, since 2019, she has been working at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH in Vienna at the Center Digital Safety and Security in the area of ​​Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. After completing her master’s degree, she has mainly specialized in natural language processing (NLP), semantic web, information extraction and visual analytics with a focus on disinformation. Since 2022, she is also teaching NLP at the FH Technikum Wien.


Disinformation Detection with Natural Language Processing


Please note that participation in the event is by invitation only!