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European Cybersecurity Talks – Boosting the Cybersecurity Industry

October 24, 2016
1:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Hofburg Vienna

Our modern society is by now unthinkable without digital support. Questions regarding the reliability and security of IT systems are becoming increasingly important – both for us as a society and Austria as a business location.

Concrete attempts to a solution will be presented and discussed during the ACM CCS 2016, the biggest scientific conference on information security which will take place in Vienna and is organized by SBA Research. Concurrently, SBA Research, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior and the Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich (Austrian Safety Board) are holding the event “European Cybersecurity Talks – Boosting the Cybersecurity Industry” (October 24, 2016 | 01.30pm – 10.00pm | Hofburg Vienna).

Part I “Bridging Politics, Industry and Science“ will give insight in the necessary political framework for the successful development of a European and Austrian Cybersecurity Industry. We expect keynotes from national and European representatives of politics and an expert panel to discuss how national and European policies and initiatives can contribute to insuring a safe digital society.

Part II – “Future Security Rockstars” presents current technological developments and promising security startups; Daniel Cronin, co-founder of AustrianStartups, will be moderating. The highlight will be the election of the “Security Rockstars” winners by an international jury and the audience.

Following this, we are inviting you to a relaxed get-together for networking and chatting.

Part I will be held in German, part II in English.

The event is organized by SBA Research in cooperation with KSÖ and BM.I, supported by the City of Vienna (Vienna Business Agency) and a number of various sponsors, such as KMPG, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Next Layer, Veracode and many more.

Gefördert aus Mitteln der Stadt Wien durch die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien.

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