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Cybersecurity-Talk for Startups (INiTS – Vienna’s High-Tech Incubator)

November 18, 2021
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

SBA Research and INiTS (Vienna’s High-Tech Incubator) are working jointly to support Vienna’s startup community. Together we offer professional experience in how to engage research opportunities and provide tailored consulting services to further increase the security standards in young companies.

Talk: An Introduction to Cybersecurity for Entrepreneurs

After a brief overview of current developments and trends in cyber space, we look at some incidents at startups as well as classic attack methods. In the next part, we will address the question of how we can protect ourselves. For this purpose, we will talk about essential technical and organizational security measures as well as briefly cover essential laws and regulations.

Jakub Pasikowski

Jakub Pasikowski is information security consultant at SBA Research and lecturer at FH St. Pölten. Jakub’s consulting activities are focused on the organizational and technical aspects of information security as well as holding information security courses.

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