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Past Events

SBA Security Meetup: Missing in action: the role of diversification in software protection
SHE goes DIGITAL workshop @ SBA Research
SBA Security Meetup I Kubernetes Security Day
SBA Security Meetup I Spring Festival
Hackerinnen Training – Let’s hack together!
VÖSI Industry Talk „Safety & Security“ – Software Regulatory Insight 2024
Talk with Una-May O’Reilly/MIT: The Research ABC’s of Cyber Security: Agents, Bron, and Coevolution
SBA Research – securepizza.club Easter Special 2024
Hackerinnen Training – Let’s hack together!
5. Cybersecurity-Awareness Stammtisch
Hackerinnen Training – Let’s hack together
SBA Security Meetup | Winter Edition
Threat Modelling workshop – Let’s Inspect
SBA Research – securepizza.club 2023
Security MeetUp: How to (not) do Red Teaming – an orientation
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Expert talk with Constanze Rödig
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – ACSC23 Hackerinnen Team Kick-off
(ISC)²/ISACA Konferenz 2023
SBA hosts: Cloud Native, Kubernetes and Security Meetup
securepizza.club – Easter Special
SBA Security Meetup: Penetrate an IT network with a digital attack and defense game (PenQuest)
SHE.DIGITAL WIEN: 2023 Here We Come
SBA Security Meetup: Protecting your web application/API with CrowdSec
SBA Security Meetup: Security is Everybody’s Job
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Panel Discussion: Career in Security & Privacy
SBA Security Meetup: “Old Problems in New Technologies”
securepizza.club – semester opening
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Expert talk with Tanja Šarčević
Are you already doing threat modeling, or are you still chasing your bugs?
SBA Security Meetup: “Die Grenzen der Digitalisierung – Der (vergessene) Wert von analogen Mechanismen und Fallbacks” (in German)
ÖFG Gastvortrag: “Digitale Souveränität als Voraussetzung für digitale Transformation”
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Expert talk with Petra Schmidt
securepizza.club – Unleashed
Women in Privacy & Security Vienna – Expert Talk with Gerti Kappel
Dagstuhl Seminar – Digital Twins for CPS Security
SBA Security Meetup: “Attack surface of Kubernetes environments”
Key Researcher Talk – “Security Theater or Understandable Security Guarantees? On the Importance of a Human-centric Security Design Approach” by Katharina Krombholz (remote)
SBA Security Meetup: “Type-Driven Domain Design – Security in the Fabric of Your Code”
Key Researcher Talk – “Process Automation and Process Mining in Smart Manufacturing” by Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (Remote)
Key Researcher Talk – “Trusted Research Environments: Providing Secure Access to Sensitive Data” by Andreas Rauber (Remote)
Dagstuhl Seminar – Managing Industrial Control Systems Security Risks for Cyber Insurance
(ISC)2 ISACA Conference 2021
SBA Security Meetup – Safety and Security – Same, contradictory or just different? (Remote)
Key Researcher Talk – Why so Emotional? An Analysis of Emotional (Bot-generated) Content on Twitter by Mark Strembeck (Remote)
Securing Code Without Negatively Impacting Development Velocity
SBA Security Meetup: Designing an end-to-end encryption protocol using Matrix’s Olm/Megolm (Remote)
Key Researcher Talk – Supporting complex decision making by semantic technologies by Stefan Fenz (Remote)
Key Researcher Talk – LoRaWAN: From Theory to Practice by Corinna Schmitt (Remote)
Key Researcher Talk – Combinatorial Testing Methods and Algorithms for Detecting and Locating Cryptographic Trojans by Dimitris E. Simos (Remote)
SBA Security Meetup – The Security Testing Pyramid for Developers (Remote)
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – Risikowahrnehmung und menschliche (Ir)Rationalität
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – Deploying and Managing Azure Sentinel as Code
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – Security Requirements Management 101
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – Building a Secure Architecture – A Deep-Dive into Security Design Principles
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – OWASP Threat Modeling Playbook
(Remote) Security for Industry 4.0 – Parallel Session at Summit Industrie 4.0 Österreich
Key Researcher Talk – Practical and Provably Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts by Matteo Maffei (Remote)
SBA Security Meetup: I want to break free – The attacker inside a Container
Researcher Talk – Faulting Hardware from Software by Daniel Gruss (Remote)
CODE Workshop – Resilience of Critical Infrastructures
Key Researcher Talk – Memory-Based PUFs – Constructions and Applications by Stefan Katzenbeisser (Remote)
Remote: (ISC)² Austria Chapter Meeting
(Remote) ArGe Digitale Transformation: Roundtable
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup: Vendors vs. The Truth – Scan Tools And The OWASP Top 10
(Remote) ArGe Digitale Transformation Roundtable
(Remote) ARES & CD-MAKE Conference 2020
Summer Special: Secure Coding Tournament!
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup – “Wicked Problems – Have We Lost Control over IT Systems?” Talk & Discussion
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup: Rund um die Zertifizierung – Nähkästchentalk by Thomas Kopeinig
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup: Secure development on Kubernetes by Andreas Falk
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: BIG BANG! SBA Live Academy Highlights
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: What the heck is secure computing?
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Tools & Techniques from building a DevSecOps culture at Mozilla
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Linux Containers
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Kryptographie auf rechtlichem Prüfstand
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: OWASP SAMM 2.0: Your Dynamic Software Security Journey
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Die COVID-19 Krise und Simulationsmodelle. Was kann man sagen? Und was nicht?
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: After the overflow: self-defense techniques of the Linux Kernel
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Angriffe gegen das Stromnetz – Wenn der Strom nicht mehr aus der Steckdose kommt
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Threat Modeling 101 – eine kurze aber praxisnahe Einführung
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Physical Attacks against (I)IoT-Devices, Embedded Devices, Microcontrollers and System on Chips (SoC)
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Rechtliche Risiken mit externen Mitarbeitern
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Using HTTPS by Default: How Web Servers Can Make the Web More Secure
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Cyber Resilience – Failure is not an option
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Datenschutz Teil 1: Wozu Datenschutzgesetze?
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: A Primer in Single Page Application Security (Angular, React, Vue.js)
(Remote) SBA Live Academy – Guest Talk: Policy and Storage with NIST SP800-63b
(Remote) SBA Live Academy – Guest Talk: I know what they did last Summer…
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: The Future of Software Security – Towards a Mature Lifecycle and DevSecOps
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Cloud Security Zertifizierungen und Gütesiegel
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Remote Access – Top Security Challenges – Teil 2
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: CRLite – Revocation for X.509 certificates in the browser – this time for real?
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Und, wie geht‘s Ihrer Supply-Chain heute so?
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Angriffe auf Windows Domains und Delegation
(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Remote Access – Top Security Challenges
(Remote) SBA Security Meetup: Common Security Mistakes in Spring Web Applications
ArGe Digitale Transformation – Kick-Off Meeting
sec4dev 2020
SBA Security Meetup: End-to-end File Encryption in the Web Browser, A Case Study
securepizza.club @ SBA
SBA Security Meetup: Supply Chain Security
CONCORDIA General Assembly Vienna
SBA Security Meetup: WebAuthn – The End of the Password As We Know It?
CSSLP – Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) – Prüfungsvorbereitungskurs
(ISC)2 ISACA Conference 2019
TUW & SBA blockchain/cryptography session
SBA Security Meetup: Secure Credential Management with Vault in Kubernetes
1st International Summer School on Security & Privacy for Blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technologies
SBA Security Meetup: 7 Application Security Design Patterns You Should Know
IMPACT 2019 & Hauseinweihung
Security Hackathon 201906 Vienna Austria
SBA Security Meetup: Cyberangriffe – Haftung von Unternehmen und deren Repräsentanten
Digitization and Artificial Intelligence
SBA supports Women&Code
ISC2 & ISACA: Security & Safety: 2 Denkschulen – 1 Ziel?
(ISC)2 Chapter Austria Meeting
IMPACT 2018 – Save the date
(ISC)2 Chapter Austria Meeting & Vereinswahl
Kamingespräch @ SBA Research – DSGVO für Cloud(software)anbieter
(ISC)2 Chapter Austria Meeting
Marc Juarez from KU Leuven gives guest lecture at Privacy Enhancing Technologies course
Security Afterworks Spezial – DSGVO – Impulsvorträge und Diskussion
Guest Talk: Can’t You Hear Me Knocking: Novel Security and Privacy Threats to Mobile Users
Security Afterworks – Best of Summer of Security Conferences
Guest talk: “Big Data 2.0 Processing Engines”
Diskurs|Digital – Einblicke in gelebte Partizipation
IMPACT 2017 & Jahresfest SBA Research
Guest talk: “Trust Management for securing the IoT networks”
Guest Talk: “Exact Algorithms for Stochastic Games and Polynomial System Solving”
Guest talk: Reverse-engineering CPUs for fun and profit
European Cybersecurity Talks – Boosting the Cybersecurity Industry
Young Researchers Day goes IKT-Sicherheitskonferenz 2016
Guest Talk: “Matroids: from h-Vectors to Shellable Complexes”
Guest Talk: “(anti-)unification-based techniques for program analysis”
Security Afterworks – Best of Summer of Security Conferences
Guest talk: “Preventing, detecting & responding to cyber-attacks – a combination of massive data analysis & conditional trust”
Startup Competition Security Rockstars 2016 organized by SBA Research, BM.I & KSÖ
(ISC)2 SecureAustria
sbaPRIME Event P2 2016
Cyber Security Lecture given by Prof. Amir Herzberg
Online-Moderationsmethoden für neue Perspektiven? Liquid Participation @ SBA
Guest talk: “Fault Attacks on Cryptographic Devices “
Cyber Security Lecture given by Mozilla
Trends & Innovation in Cyber Security
Security Afterworks Spezial: Secure your Enterprise – Innovative Microsoft-Security-Lösungen im Enterprise- & Mobility-Umfeld
Guest Talk: “DNS Traffic Analysis: Opportunities, Risks, and (Self-)Defenses”
Gender & Diversity Workshop
sbaPRIME Event P1 2016
Guest talk: “Hidden GEMs: Automated Discovery of Access Control Vulnerabilities in Graphical User Interfaces”
Security Afterworks: Wie man TLS-Hipster wird & Best of CCC
Guest Talk: “Alice in the Sky – On Security of Air Traffic Control Communication”
sbaPRIME Kick-Off
Young Researchers’ Day trifft IKT-Sicherheitskonferenz
SBA Research hosts ERCIM Fall Meeting 2015
(ISC)2 Chapter Austria Meeting
Security Afterworks – Best of Summer of Security Conferences
Liquid Participation @ SBA Research
Guest Talk: “Implementing Reliable Software with Model-Driven Development”
SBA Afterworks Summer Special: Hacking Team Hacked? => Lessons Learned!
Guest Talk: Soft Biometrics: Applications in Security, Beauty Estimation and Healthcare
Keine einsamen Entscheidungen mehr! Liquid Participation @ SBA
IMPACT 2015 & Jahresfest SBA Research
Security Afterworks: Cybercrime – Lessons From the Field & Best Of Troopers15
Joint NIST/SBA Workshop on Combinatorial Security Testing
Guest talk: “Large-scale Automated Software Diversity – Programming Language Technology to Enhance System Security”
Security Afterworks: Mobile Security – IMSI-Catchers-Catchers & Best Of 31c3
Guest talk: “Introduction to transparency, privacy and security analyses of Real-Time Bidding”
Diskurs Digital – Einblicke in gelebte Partizipation
Security Day – Young Researchers’ Day trifft Kryptostammtisch
Security Afterworks – Best of Black Hat, DEF CON, USENIX
Guest talk: “Security challenges in industrial systems”
“Malware in Silicon II” Final Event
Security Afterworks – “Windows & SharePoint Security”
Guest talk: “Machine Learning in security applications”
Guest talk: “Improving the Security of Mobile Apps”
Guest talk: “User Mobility Patterns: A Gold Mine for Intrusion Detection of Mobile Devices”
IMPACT 2014 & Jahresfest SBA Research
Security Afterworks – “APTs in der Praxis – Gefahren, Maßnahmen und (versicherbares) Restrisiko”
Gastvortrag Dr. Meropi Tzanetakis: Organisationsweisen eines Netzwerks von Drogengroßhändlern
Security Afterworks – „Wie viel (Software) Sicherheit ist genug, und ist die Sicherheitssituation ausreichend?“
Gastvortrag Stefan Mangard, IAIK TU Graz