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Bitcoin User Study

We would like to thank all participants who filled out our online questionnaire. We would furthermore like to thank everyone who spread the word about it on various channels and helped us recruiting more participants. Our online survey was closed on Tuesday, 14th of July 2015. After filtering out automated/multiple/incomplete submissions, we have transacted the reward to 961 Bitcoin addresses.

Please find the corresponding transaction here: https://blockchain.info/tx/332f67883c1c51344a481614cb6c60abeea3de74f9b4299b7f3e5985c9d5e062

If you haven’t received a reward but think you should have, please don’t hesitate to contact us via bituse@sba-research.org (PGPFP: 7E54 5128 0EF4 BA37 EDE3  41CB 37F9 BBCE E0E0 6841).

After evaluating the data, we will write a scientific paper and make the results openly available to everyone as we believe that our findings will be beneficial for the entire community. This will most likely happen this fall or by the end of 2015 the latest.

For more updates, follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@bit_use

If you have any further questions, please contact bituse@sba-research.org



Technical sidenotes:

1. To not confuse you about our rewards, we hereby proof that this is our change address:

./bitcoin-cli signmessage 1Nz5PX2BJCjs6NQmqnMU94khhZhRou47VC "This is
our survey change address"

2. Someone pointed out that there was a problem regarding the reference link and the correct solution of the CAPTCHA on the very last page of the survey. If you have not correctly entered the CAPTCHA, the reference link was also changed for the next try. Therefore, we ended up with a couple of untraceable reference values.

3. We also received a few Bitcoin addresses with invalid checksums. If you can provide us the full Bitcoin address together with some information that links you to the survey, we can later transact the reward to you.