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New Castle University – Secure Business Austria Workshop

From 18th to 19th June 2009 Aad van Moorsel and Simon E. Parkin from Newcastle University will visit our research center. Our goal is to identify and initialize joint research projects between Newcastle University and Secure Business Austria in the field of economically justified security solutions.

On 18th June 2009 9am Aad van Moorsel and Simon E. Parkin will give a public talk on their Trust Economics project. Trust Economics is a research project, which is conducted jointly by Hewlett-Packard, Merrill-Lynch, Newcastle University, University College London and University of Bath. Its objective is to develop a methodology that allows companies to make decisions about security investments based on costs and benefits for the company. Aad van Moorsel and Simon Parkin will present their recent work on knowledge base support for IT security investment decisions. The distinguishing feature of the Trust Economics knowledge base is the inclusion of the human behavioral aspect in its underlying information security ontology. In addition to their recent research results and technology developments, we will discuss the rationale behind the Trust Economics project.