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FFG Bridge Project “Speed Forensics” granted

This project aims to fundamentally increase the performance of current state of-the-art forensic methods and decrease the manual work necessary for a forensic analyst by 1) developing new methods to increase the use of parallelized data processing within the specific environment of digital forensics, 2) identifying the best method(s) on how to exclude a possibly vast number of files and file system artefacts that are not specific to a case, and 3) streamlining and improve methods proposed in the literature that have not been included into existing processing steps for additional insights for various reasons. The overall degree of automation in the forensic process will be increased and as such will allow the analyst to focus on case-specifics in the near future instead of being overwhelmed with unrelated data. Furthermore, due to the much finer granularity of data analysis, we believe that this will allow the creation of new tools and analysis methods based on our findings.

Partner: Bravestone Information-Technology