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eAward Winner 2024: Shecurity – Hackerinnen Training

The best digitalization projects from business and administration were honoured at the eAward 2024 business prize ceremony and we are proud to announce that Shecurity – Hackerinnen Training won the eAward 2024 in the category “Education and Social”!

picture of award ceremony

From the jury statement: The jury believes that Shecurity makes a valuable contribution to helping women gain a foothold in a male-dominated field and that cybersecurity education offers a wide range of opportunities for women.

Shecurity is an initiative organized by CyberSecurityAustria CSA, Technische Universität Wien Cysec and SBA Research and offers free, regular trainings for girls and women interested in IT security, who want to dive deeper into the technical side of cybersecurity. These Hackerinnen Trainings are a unique chance to explore the fascinating world of digital defense — and offense — while discovering diverse, creative perspectives in the field. In six months, 170 interested women have already been reached. The participants are between 15 and 65 years old and have different levels of prior knowledge. This type of further training, monthly, without age restrictions or prior knowledge, in the field of cybersecurity is unique in Europe.

Join us for our next Shecurity – Hackerinnen Training on Forensic on November 11th!
Registration via forms: Forensic Training

About the eAward

We have been presenting the eAward since 2005. We recognize solutions that not only inspire, but also create tangible added value for customers and society,” emphasizes Alfons Flatscher, founder and publisher of Report Verlag. The eAward platform is one of the largest IT business awards in Austria and German-speaking countries. The focus is on topics and projects that demonstrate the technological transformation of society, business and administration particularly well.

Fotocredit: Report Verlag