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SBA Research @ BalCCon2k24

We’re excited to announce that Michael Pucher, a researcher at SBA Research, delivered a compelling talk titled Here Be Dragons: Ghidra Decompiler API Adventures at this year’s BalCCon.

Man holding presentation on stage

Michael’s talk delved into the intricacies of the Ghidra Decompiler API, a vital tool in the field of reverse engineering and cybersecurity.


While the reverse engineering suite Ghidra is typically extended through its Java and Python APIs, these APIs hide many of the lower level details available in the decompiler component. Using this API makes it possible to access decompiler internals and integrate the decompiler into other tools (e.g. the Radare2/Rizin plugin). This talk gave an overview of the decompiler architecture and presented the tools we are building to make the decompiler more extensible.

Hacker Jeopardy

In addition, Michael Pucher and Georg Merzdovnik organized the Hacker Jeopardy:

About the Conference

BalCCon is a community-organized event in the spirit of CCC events. It is organized yearly in Novi Sad, Serbia and topics range from information security to everything hacking related. It attracts speakers and attendees from the region and abroad.