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Shecurity – Hackerinnen Training – Wireshark

October 21, 2024 , 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

We would love to invite you to our next Hackerinnen Training!

At this #Shecurity female hacker training, we will look at systematic procedures for collecting, analyzing and securing digital evidence to find out what happened in a cybercrime or security breach.

Together we will look at the Wireshark tool, which can be used to read and analyze data traffic. Wireshark is able to read data traffic on different interfaces such as Ethernet, USB or WLAN interfaces, record the data and analyze it.

Important areas of application include network monitoring, troubleshooting and error analysis, protocol analysis and IT security monitoring. The program is also a popular tool among hackers.


  • Introduction to the Lua scripting language and the Lua API in Wireshark
  • Writing your own protocol dissectors for protocol reverse engineering, support of unusual protocols, etc.
  • Create listeners to trigger events based on traffic patterns.


Sebastian Schrittwieser


Please register via forms.