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Reinhard Kugler @Troopers 2024

The annual international IT security event, Troopers 2024, recently marked its 15th anniversary in the historic city of Heidelberg. This milestone event took place from the 24th until the 28th of June, bringing together security experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from around the globe to share cutting-edge developments in the field of cybersecurity.

As one of the highlights of the event, Reinhard Kugler from MATRIS presented recent research on automotive security — a critical area as vehicles become more connected and software-driven. Kugler’s presentation focused on the migration to Linux-based systems within the emerging Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) framework. This transition is not just a shift in operating systems; it represents a significant leap forward in the ability to implement modern defense techniques and advanced testing schemas.

Presenter on stage

One of the key highlights of Kugler’s talk was the discussion on the use of extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) technology. He detailed how eBPF can be harnessed for in-kernel programming to safeguard critical automotive components, such as the Controller Area Network (CAN) and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus. By leveraging eBPF, automotive systems can achieve enhanced security, enabling more robust protection mechanisms directly within the kernel.

Kugler also showcased how this technology is instrumental in advancing security testing and building secure architectures, particularly within the software-defined approach that is becoming the standard in modern vehicle design. His insights provided a glimpse into the future of automotive security, highlighting the importance of innovation in maintaining the safety and reliability of next-generation vehicles.

Troopers 2024 once again proved to be a pivotal event for the IT security community, offering a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration in the fight against emerging cyber threats. As the event continues to grow in influence and scope, it remains a key fixture on the calendar for anyone committed to advancing the field of cybersecurity.


SBA Research Group MATRIS
Troopers’ Official Website: https://troopers.de/