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Diverse perspectives are valuable in any field, but this is especially true for IT Security. As digitalization progresses and new technologies emerge, new challenges, threats and risks arise – and therefore the need for diversity, since balanced workforces would naturally have greater variety of perspectives and are thus better equipped to handle the variety of challenges.

Therefore, SBA Research aims at

  • increasing the share of women at SBA Research and establish SBA even more as a career steppingstone for women,
  • therefore reducing gender gaps in information security research, in employment as well as R&D, in the process opening up potential new fields of research and
  • consolidating positive employer branding and attracting new potentials as a social-responsible, gender-competent organization.

With Fem4CyberSec, we want to achieve these goals by

  • implementing a cross-cutting gender mainstreaming process with a revised Horizon-adequate GEP as management & monitoring tool,
  • increasing gender competence on all levels of our workforce and in our research and communication by addressing gender bias in research and employment,
  • mapping career paths at SBA Research and developing a concept for career development measures for women.