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SBA @Young Digital Law 2023

On July 6, the 3rd Conference of the Research Network Young Digital Law took place, which was co-organized by the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, the Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices, and the Research Group Security and Privacy at the University of Vienna.

This year’s conference theme was “Bias in Law-Making,” and it aimed to delve into how assumptions about technology, trustworthiness, and human agency shape European Digital Law. The event provided a platform for researchers, practitioners, and experts to explore the intersection of law and technology and its implications for the legal landscape.

One of the notable talks at the conference was on “Introduction to Privacy-Enhancing Technologies.” The speaker shed light on the importance of privacy-enhancing technologies in safeguarding individual privacy and data protection in the digital age. These technologies play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals can maintain control over their personal information while navigating the complexities of a technologically driven society.

Additionally, the conference featured an enlightening keynote by Edgar Weippl, who presented on “Using Smart Contracts for Minimizing Transaction Costs of Illegal Activities.” His talk explored how innovative applications of smart contracts can potentially mitigate the transactional costs associated with illegal activities, opening up new avenues for research and regulation in the digital realm.

Another prominent figure at the event was Sebastian Schrittwieser, who not only co-organized the conference but also conducted a workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. This workshop offered participants an opportunity to delve deeper into the practical aspects of these technologies, fostering a deeper understanding of their implementation and implications.


Young Digital Law 2023 (univie.ac.at)