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Tomasz Miska @20th RDA Plenary

On the 20th of March, Tomasz Miska organized, as a chair of a working group, a session during the RDA Plenary. This workshop was collocated with the RDA Plenary. The whole workshop was about maDMPs – something that was created by my working group. In the workshop different DMP tool providers discussed the progress of the adoption of the RDA recommendation. Tomasz was there to give an introduction on maDMPs and later to moderate one of the breakout groups in which they discussed whether they need any extensions and changes in the maDMP specification. The event was focused mostly on DMPRoadmap and others who use their codebase.

He also gave a presentation on this at a meeting where DMP tool developers presented their progress in adopting the RDA recommendation I co-authored.


Progressing Machine Actionable Data Management Plans in DMPRoadmap | DCC

RDA’s 20th Plenary Highlights | RDA (rd-alliance.org)