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IT-SECX 2022

October 07, 2022
4:00 pm - 11:00 pm
FH St. Pölten

SBA Research security experts at the IT-SECX 2022, UAS St. Pölten’s yearly conference. Also, come and visit us at the SBA Research booth!

Talk: Security Research in Austria

by Edgar Weippl, Talk language: German

Talk: The Limits of Digitization – The (Forgotten) Value of Analog Mechanisms and Fallbacks

by Philipp Reisinger, Talk language: German

Talk: Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping

by Sebastian Schrittwieser, Talk language: German

Talk: Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) Security: Real World Exploits / Vulnerabilities

by Jovan Zivanovic, Talk language: English

About the event

The conference is aimed at school pupils, students, persons with a research or teaching background, industry experts, and “geeks” in general who work with computer science and IT security. The IT-SECX serves as a platform to exchange knowledge and information on trends, technologies and the latest developments in IT security.

The keynote on “The Law, Policy and Diplomacy of Critical Infrastructure Protection” will be held by Dr. Iur. Eneken Tikk. She is Executive Producer Cyber Policy Institute and adjunct faculty member of the Erik Castrén Institute for International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki. Furthermore, she also worked at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCD COE) in Tallinn for a long time.


Participation is free of charge. Registration for the event is possible until 29 September 2022.