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Are you already doing threat modeling, or are you still chasing your bugs?

June 30, 2022
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm
SBA Research

UPDATE: Due to increasing COVID-numbers, we have decided that wearing a FFP2-mask indoor is mandatory during the event. Networking will be on the terrace without wearing masks.

Are you already doing threat modeling, or are you still chasing your bugs?

A VÖSI event of the Special Interest Groups (SIG) Security & Safety and Enterprise Architecture Management.

Modeling and also security, are the two stepchildren of software development. Together, they enable security risks to be identified and taken into account as early as the design phase. Our experts offer insight and outlook and share experiences from practice and research.

Event language: German


17:00 – 17:25 Modeling in Software Development – How? Why? Why? (Peter Lieber, VÖSI Präsident & SparxSystems)
17:25 – 17:45 Introduction Threat Modeling – Preventing errors before they happen! (Mathias Tausig, SBA Research)

17:45 – 18:15 Experience from practice
Christoph Schmittner, Researcher – AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Alexandra Müller, Senior Business Consultant – msg Plaut
Thomas Konrad, Software Security Architect – Dynatrace

18:15 – 18:45 Round table with all experts
18:45 Fade out on the terrace


  • Peter Lieber, VÖSI Präsident & SparxSystems
  • Mathias Tausig, SBA Research


Please registrate via our Security Meetup group.

We are limited to 65 people.