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Key Researcher Talk – “Security Theater or Understandable Security Guarantees? On the Importance of a Human-centric Security Design Approach” by Katharina Krombholz (remote)

January 31, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Join the next edition of our Key Researcher Talk Series!

“Security Theater or Understandable Security Guarantees? On the Importance of a Human-centric Security Design Approach”

Security vulnerabilities and privacy breaches are a major threat to our always-online society and digital sovereignty. 

All types of users in today’s Internet ecosystem are confronted with complex security and privacy decisions: end users who introduce smart home assistants into their homes are required to consent to complex information-sharing practices and administrators who maintain large server infrastructures are required to manage cryptographic keys and trade-offs between security and compatibility. 

As a result of  interdisciplinary research efforts with empirical studies, many of these challenges are well-understood. However, despite these efforts, newly introduced technology still suffers from usable security and privacy issues as empirical findings do not sufficiently inform the design of effective countermeasures.  

In this talk, I will talk about the root causes of this problem, which is a missing link between user studies, threat modeling practices and the design of secure systems. I will also present my proposal for a radical paradigm shift towards a fully human-centric approach which is necessary to design human-friendly and understandable security and privacy technology.


14:00 – 14:10 Short Introduction by Edgar Weippl

14:10 – 14:30 Talk by Katharina Krombholz

14:30 – 15:00 Q&A


Katharina Krombholz is key researcher at SBA Research and tenured faculty member at CISPA − Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarbrücken.

Free Registration

Please reach out to us at events@sba-research.org if you would like to join. The talk will take place online.

This event is hosted by Vienna ACM SIGSAC Chapter and IEEE SMC/CS Austria Chapter.

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