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Johanna Ullrich interviewed for ORF “Dok1” about Blackouts

One of our Key Researchers, Johanna Ullrich, was interviewed for the ORF “Dok1” documentary “Nichts geht mehr: Sieben Tage ohne Strom” about an experience of a one-week-blackout.

Hanno Settele tested the experiment and tried out this worst case.

The program will be broadcast on November 3, at 20:15 and will be online 7 days in the ORF TVthek. Here is the link to the article: https://tv.orf.at/program/orf1/dok176.html

Here is the link to the documentation on the ORF TVthek: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Dok-1/13844820/Dok-1-Nichts-geht-mehr-Sieben-Tage-ohne-Strom/14111503

It will be valid until November 10.

Johanna Ullrich and Hanno Settele on the set of the ORF Dok1 documentation  "Nichts geht mehr: Sieben Tage ohne Strom".