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KIRAS project G-Star granted

SBA Research is happy to announce that the KIRAS project “G-Star: Gesamtstaatliche Erfassung der Resilienz im Kontext komplexer Krisenszenarien“ was granted. Kevin Mallinger and Johanna Ullrich (SBA Research) will be working on the project in cooperation with the BKA (Federal Chancellery Republic Austria), BMI (Ministry of the Interior), AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) and DCNA (Disaster Competence Network Austria).

The G-Star study aims to record the cooperative structures of Austrian crisis management and to assess the resilience of the overall network. The potentials and challenges for overcoming silo structures will be assessed in the context of new ICT structures and extraordinary crisis scenarios for the individual stakeholders (emergency services, public administration, civil society, etc.) and possible processes for increased cooperation and improved involvement of civil society will be identified. This analysis will be used to build the basic framework and decision-making basis for improving the adaptive capacities of civil society, active crisis management actors and ultimately Austria’s comprehensive security preparedness.