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Practical Secure Software Development Lifecycle – new basic course available

Kick-start your Secure Software Development Lifecycle!

  • Did you ever wonder what it takes to ensure holistic and manageable software security?
  • Would you like to be compliant to laws and regulations that demand action in that area, maybe via your customers?
  • Or do you simply want to drive software quality through security and make it visible?

Then this one-day fundamental training is for you. In this training, you will be guided through the world of secure software development from different perspectives, ranging from governance topics to technological aspects like design, coding, testing, and operations. The training outline is based on OWASP SAMM, an open-source assurance maturity model for software security. Use this training to kick-start your secure development lifecycle, to reach the next level of software security, and to demonstrate the endeavor to your stakeholders.

Further details and course dates.