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(Remote) Women In IT: We Are No Aliens!

February 23, 2021
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Join SBA Research’s Stephanie Jakoubi, Johanna Ullrich and Martina Lindofer for the Women in IT session at sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp!

Women In IT: We Are No Aliens!

We are beyond excited to bring to you a bunch of inspirational women and their stories. Join in for success stories, mentoring and networking.


19:30Welcome, Stephanie Jakoubi
19:40Impulse Talk, Adela Mehic-Dzanic
20:00Mentoring, Tanya Janca
20:30Perspectives on …
Christine Wahlmüller
… Education and Learning, Tanya Janca, Pia Gerhofer, Daniela Rabiser
… Challenges in Work Life, Alyssa Miller, Johanna Ullrich
… Leadership, Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt, Evelyn Haslinger
21:30Empowerment, Startups and Entrepreneurship, Hannah Wundsam
21:45Women Careers, Mentoring, Networking & a Glas of Wine
all Speakers
Martina Lindofer, Assosiated Professor, TU Wien & Key Researcher SBA Research
Maha Sounble, Cief Information Security Officer, WU Wien


Register here!

This session is free. Women only.

sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp

The sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp is a Vienna-based security event which targets one very specific group: people involved in software development. It is our mission to bring together the best industry professionals, thus having a sustainable and positive impact on the software security landscape.