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(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Cyber Resilience – Failure is not an option

April 23, 2020
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

SBA Live Academy Guest Talk: Cyber Resilience – Failure is not an option

Cyber Resilience – Failure is not an option
by Simon Tjoa (FH St. Pölten)

Target Audience
Everyone interested in resilience or cyber security
This lecture is dedicated to the topic of cyber-resilience and presents the basics and the differentiation from cyber-security as well as current standards and best practices.

The Program and all details can be found here: SBA Live Academy

About the SBA Live Academy

We are all asked to stay home for the time being.
Invest your home office time in further educating yourself with the SBA Live Academy:

  • free of charge
  • 3x / week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
  • 13.00 – 13.30
  • 20-minute live talk with one of our IT & Information Security Experts
  • Including Q&A on technical and organizational issues

Join our MeetUp Group or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to get the talk announcement including the link to the live session just before the talk starts!