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(Remote) SBA Live Academy: Remote Access – Top Security Challenges – Teil 2

April 07, 2020 , 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
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SBA Live Academy: Remote Access – Top Security Challenges – Teil 2

Tuesday, April 7, 2020, 13.00

Remote Access – Top Security Challenges – Teil 2
by Günther Roat and Philipp Reisinger

Admins, CISOs
organisatorisch & technisch
An Hand von typischen Audit-Findings diskutieren wir entlang der „Dreifaltigkeit“ People – Processes – Technology die wichtigsten Sicherheitsaspekte zum Thema Remote Access und Telearbeit. Nachdem wir im ersten Termin bereits die Bereiche People und Processes behandelt haben, werden wir in diesem Talk auf den Bereich Technoloy eingehen und auch einen kurzen Ausblick auf einige fortgeschrittenere Ideen wie Zero Trust Architekturen geben.

The Program and all details can be found here: SBA Live Academy

About the SBA Live Academy

We are all asked to stay home for the time being.
Invest your home office time in further educating yourself with the SBA Live Academy, for the time being planned for one month:

  • free of charge
  • 3x / week (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
  • 13.00 – 13.30
  • 20-minute live talk with one of our IT & Information Security Experts
  • Including Q&A on technical and organizational issues

Join our MeetUp Group or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to get the talk announcement including the link to the live session just before the talk starts! Add the full SBA Live Academy series to your calendar (.ics).