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sec4dev 2020, was a great success! See you at sec4dev 2021!

A big thanks to all for participating in the sec4dev conference and bootcamp 2020! Due to the constantly growing number of participants at sec4dev and the great interest in our regular security MeetUps, we now reach more than 600 experts, and the trend is rising. Only through the community we can manage to make security an inseparable part of software development, and the figures of sec4dev 2020 make us confident that we are on the right track!

sec4dev Conference:

  • 190 participants
  • 18 talks by 23 speakers (10 international speakers)
  • 254 questions to the speakers (via sli.do)

sec4dev Bootcamp:

  • 4 bootcamps
  • 55 participants

sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp 2021 will be announced soon!