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Austrian Blockchain Center

The Center’s mission is to be the one-stop-shop Austrian Research Center for Blockchain (and related) technologies to be applied in industrial applications like industry 4.0 / IoT as well as financial, energy, logistics, government and administrative applications. Those new applications and business models resulting from collaborations between established players, innovative startups and top R&D institutes will be the key for the creation of new jobs and establishing Austria among the top ten innovative countries in Europe.

The R&D themes of the center have been organized in 5 Areas targeting economic, technological, applications as well as political and legal topics interfacing with existing COMET centers like CDP, SBA Research as well as international Blockchain initiatives.

Area 1: Cryptography, Technology & Security addresses the technical and theoretical foundations of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and is led by SBA Research. As we have seen in the past, understanding the mathematics and cryptography is important as these are the foundations for consensus building, which is again the very foundation of DLT. The area will also address technical aspects of different types of Blockchains and “Non-Blockchains”, Smart Contracts and transparency on the Blockchain.

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This project is funded by the FFG.