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STRAW – Security Technology Active Watch

In October 2008, Edgar Weippl joined the STRAW project as an external expert.

STRAW stands for ‘Security Technology Active Watch‘. STRAW is a support action under the Security Research theme that aims at providing a European Service of Technology Watch on Security Technologies.

The consortium:

  • Atos Origin SAE
  • AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association
  • Thales Services S.AS € Stiftelsen SINTEF
  • Fraunhofer FHG
  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacia
  • Elsag Datamat S.p.A
  • Asociación de Empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información y Telecomunicaciones de España (AETIC)
  • Fondazione Rosselli
  • European Organisation for Security (EOS)

The concept of STRAW is to bring together the defence and security research industry by a neutral coordination to ensure the awareness of underpinning technologies that make possible the implementation of civil security applica tions.

The target of STRAW is to stimulate the cooperation of providers and users f or civil security applications.

In October 2008, Edgar Weippl joined the STRAW project as an external expert.

STRAW stands for ‘Security Technology Active Watch‘. STRAW is a support action under the Security Research theme that aims at providing a European Service of Technology Watch on Security Technologies.

The consortium:

  • Atos Origin SAE
  • AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association
  • Thales Services S.AS € Stiftelsen SINTEF
  • Fraunhofer FHG
  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacia
  • Elsag Datamat S.p.A
  • Asociación de Empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información y Telecomunicaciones de España (AETIC)
  • Fondazione Rosselli
  • European Organisation for Security (EOS)

The concept of STRAW is to bring together the defence and security research industry by a neutral coordination to ensure the awareness of underpinning technologies that make possible the implementation of civil security applica tions.

The target of STRAW is to stimulate the cooperation of providers and users f or civil security applications.