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L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS)

On 05.11.2019 the activities for the IETF standardization of “L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS)” started by the team Nils Mäurer (DLR), Thomas Gräupl (DLR) and our key researcher Corinna Schmitt (RI CODE, UniBw M). In numerous IETF meetings continuous updates of the document were presented and discussed in the Working Group “Reliable and Available Wireless” (RAW). Now finally the whole thing was published in March 2023 as RFC 9372 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9372.pdf).

The RF 9372 gives an overview of the L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) architecture, which provides a secure, scalable, and spectrum-efficient terrestrial data link for civil aviation. LDACS is a scheduled and reliable multi-application cellular broadband system with support for IPv6. It is part of a larger shift of flight guidance communication moving to IP-based communication. High reliability and availability of IP connectivity over LDACS, as well as security, are therefore essential. The intent of this document is to introduce LDACS to the IETF community, raise awareness on related activities inside and outside of the IETF, and to seek expertise in shaping the shift of aeronautics to IP.

N.Mäurer, T.Gräupl, C.Schmitt: L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS). IETF, Fremont, CA, USA, RFC 9372, March 2023