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SBA Research in 2022 – Our Winter Newsletter

Another year is over – and we are proud and happy when looking back! After two years as full professor, Edgar Weippl finally gave his inaugural lecture at the University of Vienna in March. June brought us another great IMPACT for our partners, friends and employees, with interesting talks and a cocktail bar on our terrace. In August, the 17th ARES International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security conference took place in person at the University of Vienna. Our 4th sec4dev – Security for Developers Conference 2022 followed shortly after and was held at the TU Wien in September.

Our researchers and employees gave numerous talks at national and international conferences, led workshops and trainings, and were interviewed as experts on information security topics.

We are looking forward to 2023 which we hope will be as exciting and interesting. We wish you and your loved ones a successful, healthy, and happy 2023!

You can find the Winter Newsletter full of SBA Highlights 2022 here.

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