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Inaugural lecture Andreas Holzinger

SBA Research congratulates Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger on his inaugural lecture at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.

Andreas Holzinger is a founding member of CD-MAKE (Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction), co-organized yearly with ARES, and has been a collaborative partner for years.

Watch the full video of the Inaugural lecture here on YouTube

Title: Digital Transformation in Smart Farm and Forest Operations Needs Human-Centered AI


Taking forestry as an example, BOKU is challenged with a variety of problems today. We only need to look at the media: The dramatic newspaper and television headlines about the increasing danger of forest fires, the threat to our forests from pests (e.g., bark beetle) and climate change, with the simultaneous importance of wood as a renewable resource underline the urgency of our issues and need for urgent help from the AI domain. Thanks to the enormous progress in the field of statistical machine learning, AI is very successful today.

However, two properties need to be further improved in the future: a) robustness and b) explainability, and to put it in a nutshell: future AI needs “Hausverstand”. Therefore, the use of AI in real-world domains, such as agriculture and forestry, has led to an increased demand for trustworthy AI. One approach to making AI more robust is to combine statistical learning with knowledge representations. And that’s where interactive machine learning comes in. For certain tasks, it can be beneficial to include a human in the loop. A human expert (such as a forester) can often bring experience and conceptual understanding to the AI pipeline. Consequently, both explainability and robustness can promote reliability and trust and ensure that humans remain in control, thus complementing – not replacing – human intelligence with artificial intelligence. Human-Centered AI (HCAI) is working on generic methods to promote robustness and explainability to foster secure AI solutions and advocates a synergistic approach to provide human control over AI and to align AI with human values, ethical principles, and legal requirements to ensure privacy, security, and safety. This presentation will show selected examples from forestry but are also transferable to agriculture.

(Source: https://human-centered.ai/antrittsvorlesung-andreas-holzinger/)


Antrittsvorlesung Andreas Holzinger Digital Transformation (human-centered.ai)

BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences