Young Researchers’ Day is back again!
As part of the ICT Security Conference (September 14-15, 2022), a group of nine dedicated young researchers presented their scientific work in front of 1800 participants on the main stage of the Conference.
A big thanks to the OCG IT Security Working Group and the ICT Security Conference administration to make this possible.
Furthermore we want to thank the different universities for sending their brightest minds to conference. Because of this support many security experts got the chance to see the impact research has in the field and how it is possible to tackle new challenges in the IT sector.
- FH Campus Wien
- SBA Research
- Fachhochschule St. Pölten
- JKU Linz
- SBA Research
- TU Graz
- TU Wien
- Universität Innsbruck
- Manuel Kern
- Tobias Buchberger
- Diana Strauß
- Manuel Leithner
- Philipp Hofer
- Michael Koppmann
- Lukas Helminger
- Martin Weise
- Andrea Mussmann
- Manuel Kern – SPOTTED – Systematic mapPing Of deTecTion approaches on data sources for Enhanced cyber Defence
- Tobias Buchberger – Integration des Noise Schlüsselaustauschprotokolls in Tox (Adopting the Noise key exchange in Tox)
- Diana Strauß – Federated Learning and its security aspects
- Manuel Leithner – Reverse Engineering for Input Modeling: Input Parameter Model Inference from Network Traces
- Philipp Hofer – Die Bedeutung verschiedener Gesichtsteile für Gesichtserkennung und dessen Zusammenführung
- Michael Koppmann – Object Capabilities and Their Benefits for Web Application Security
- Lukas Helminger – Corona Heatmap Martin Weise Secure Data Visiting Plattform (OSSDIP)
- Andrea Mussmann – Information Security Risk Management, insbesondere Mappings zwischen Standards/ISMS-Systemen
- Martin Weise – OSSDIP: Open Source Secure Data Infrastructure and Processes Platform that Supports Data Visiting