The CALGO team of the MATRIS research group of SBA Research joined the 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing Conference (SYNASC) held at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation of the Johannes Kepler University, at Schloss Hagenberg from September 12-15, 2022.
Within the “Logic and Programming” session Irene Hiess gave a talk entitled “IPO-MAXSAT: The In-Parameter-Order Strategy combined with MaxSAT solving for Covering Array Generation”, presenting joint work with Ludwig Kampel, Michael Wagner and Dimitris E. Simos who also joined the conference.
IPO-MAXSAT is an algorithm that combines the prominent IPO strategy for covering array generation with MaxSAT optimizing the individual extension steps performed when using this strategy. The generation of optimized covering arrays is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. IPO-MAXSAT produces solutions of better quality than other state of the art algorithms implementing the IPO strategy, as showcased by the experimental evaluation. The talk and the work raised a lot of attention amongst the participants of the conference and led to lively discussions.