Recap Day 1 and 2: LION16 – The 16th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference
On the 5th of June Co-General Chair, Prof. Panos Pardalos (University of Florida), Local Organizing Committee Chair, Prof. Ilias Kotsireas (CARGO Lab, Wilfrid Laurier University), Program Committee Co-Chair, Dr. Dimitris E. Simos (SBA Research) of LION16 and researchers of the MATRIS Research Group met in Milos Conference Center, Greece, to prepare the venue for the registration and the conference.
The organizing chairs gave their opening remarks on June 6 in front of the gathered international participants. 58 papers are waiting to be presented and anticipated by the community.
After the intriguing tutorial by Prof. Roberto Battiti from the University of Trento on the optimization of the tourism and hospitality sector on Monday, the second day continued with various optimization talks by the participants from 23 countries, five continents from China to Brazil, and the tutorial of Prof. George Michailidis from the University of Florida. Prof. Michailidis focused on the topic of distributed adaptive gradient methods for online optimization. Moreover, at the end of the second day, the Senior Researcher of MATRIS Research Group at SBA Research, Ludwig Kampel, started presenting the gifts to the most efficient and the most determined participants from the previous day that played the combinatorial testing black box game. Consequently, more participants had played the game and obtained a better understanding of combinatorial testing as a black-box testing method.
Thanks to the MATRIS researchers on-site the booth of MATRIS Research Group has attracted tremendous attention and was a success from the start.
About LION
The LION conference explores the intersections and uncharted territories between machine learning, artificial intelligence, energy, mathematical programming and algorithms for hard optimization problems. The main purpose of the event is to bring together experts from these areas to discuss new ideas and methods, challenges and opportunities in various application areas, general trends and specific developments.
LION16 – The 16th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (