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SBA’s MATRIS Research Group joined the 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing

Manuel Leithner, Michael Wagner, and Dimitris E. Simos from SBA’s MATRIS Research Group joined the 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing (IWCT 2022) held in conjunction with ICST 2022, on Monday, April 04, 2022, in a virtual setting.

Dimitris E. Simos served as the chair of the IWCT Steering Committee while Manuel Leithner and Michael Wagner discoursed their papers. Leithner delivered a presentation on the paper “Practical Archival and Compression of Covering Arrays”, a research paper written together with Dimitris E. Simos.

In this study, the authors investigated Covering Arrays (CAs), for explorative, testing, and improvement purposes in Software Testing. They developed an approach in which CA2, the compressed Covering Array Archive format, was introduced for increasing the efficiency in storage, archive, and recovery. This new format fused with CA-specific metadata offers competitive compression as CA-specific metadata permits the targeted retrieval based on input specifications given in one of the varieties of popular formats. Thus, it provides a cost and time-efficient technique.

Moreover, Wagner presented the paper “Developing multithreaded techniques and improved constraint handling for the tool CAgen”, research conducted together with Manuel Leithner (MATRIS), Dimitris E. Simos (MATRIS), Rick Kuhn (NIST) and Raghu Kacker (NIST). In this paper, the authors explored the potential of further improving the execution speed of the combinatorial test generation tool CAgen by incorporating multithreaded methods. They implemented and evaluated three different multithreaded variations of the horizontal extension and designed the mFIPOG algorithm that implements one of them based on the information acquired by the assessment. Moreover, they introduced a new data structure that can significantly speed up validity checks concerning a given set of constraints when using the minimal forbidden tuple approach.