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Safer Internet Day 2022 – Together for a better internet

Today is Safer Internet Day! To raise awareness on the significance of how to navigate the web safely two excellent projects tackle the problem of security training and awareness from a different angle.  

Cyber Security Quiz

Breaking down essential security topics applying the concepts of microlearning, gamification ,and learning algorithms the app offers a fun and interesting way to level up security skills.

If you want to learn more about this award winning project of Stephanie Jakoubi and her team, go to: Cyber Security Quiz

Listen to Stephanie Jakoubi talking about the “Cyber Security Quiz” App on Radio Wien: https://wien.orf.at/player/20220208/WGGT/1644322534000

“Cyber Security Quiz” segment at Magazin 1 / ORF: https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Magazin-1/13890330/Magazin-1/14123459


Our partners from the University of Vienna created a training for pupils.

By applying theoretical learning theories, the researchers hope to provide 14- to 18-year-olds with the skills to spot phising attempts.

If you want to learn more about this project of Sebastian Schrittwieser and his team, go to: Phishingtraining | netidee

Safer Internet Logo - oranges Smartphone mit Händen,  hält Weltkugel in der rechten Hand, die durch Striche und Punkte vernetzt ist.

Picture: https://www.saferinternet.at/news-detail/mach-mit-beim-safer-internet-day-2022/


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Cyber Security Quiz