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SBA Research is a research center for Information Security
funded partly by the national initiative for COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies.

Year: 2021

FFG Success Story: Our Blockchain Research Group

DECSYS, SBA’s Decentralized Systems Group, and their BRIDGE project SESC – Secure Execution of Smart Contracts have recently been featured as an FFG Success Story. DECSYS conducts research beyond hype topics like cryptocurrencies in order to achieve a better understanding of DLT requirements, identify… Read More
FFG Success Story: Our Blockchain Research Group

LION 2021 Conference Start

The 15th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION15), hosted by SBA Research, is currently taking place as all-digital conference. Panos Pardalos (General Chair), Dimitris E. Simos (TPC Chair) and Ilias Kotsireas (Local Organizing Chair) are welcoming contributors from 29 countries and are happy… Read More
Lion15 Conference

sec4dev 2021 Recap – Women in IT: We are no Aliens!

In the pioneering days of information technology, women played an essential role – well-known examples are Ada Lovelace, who developed an algorithm and is considered the first female programmer ever, or Dorothy Vaughan, whose work contributed significantly to… Read More
sec4dev Women session

SBA confirmed as Qualified Body (QuaSte)

Energy providers, banks or even healthcare organizations, if identified as operators of essential services, must ensure that their network and information systems are as resilient as possible in crisis situations. They are therefore required by the EU Directive on security of network and information systems (the NIS Directive), implemented… Read More
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SBA-K1 – 2nd research period started

SBA-K1, our main strategic research endeavor, has been granted continued funding for the period 2017-2025 under the FFG COMET (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) K1-Centres program line. The first four years of our current COMET period (2017 – 2021) have been tremendously successful. We were able to… Read More
SBA Group Picture

SBA Blogpost – No Aliens: Women in ICT

Meet three of SBA Research’s inspiring female colleagues! Although still a minority, women have tenaciously worked their way back to the center of ICT. SBA Research is proud to be the professional home to distinguished female experts and promising young talent alike, while also partaking in a wider network of women… Read More
SBA Blogpost – No Aliens: Women in ICT

Dimitris E. Simos – Habilitation completed at TU Graz!

Congratulations to Dimitris E. Simos (Key Researcher at SBA Research) for completing his Habilitation at Graz University of Technology. As of Jan.1st 2021, Dimitris is now Associate Professor (non-tenured track, venia docendi for Applied Computer Science) with… Read More
Dimitris E. Simos – Habilitation completed at TU Graz!