eAwared 2021: Cyber Security Quiz nominated

The Cyber Security Quiz, a learning and gaming app for learning security and privacy, is nominated in the category “Education and human resources development” of this year eAward.
We are all online almost every day. But few know the footprint we leave on the internet and the dangers that lurk there. The Cyber-Security Quiz application offers a broad overview of the challenges, from malware and online fraud to data protection, online hate and fake news. The application aims to present the dry but essential topic of security and privacy in the digital space in microlearning units in an entertaining, playful and interactive way. With the help of flashcards – which can contain text, images or videos – knowledge is imparted, deepened using questions and in a quiz-duel mode other players, such as colleagues, superiors, or friends, can be challenged. Behind this is a sophisticated learning algorithm that selects the appropriate questions depending on the level of knowledge and the questions already answered. This leads to a sustainable consolidation of knowledge.
Thank you to all project partners, CSA CyberSecurityAustria, Saferinternet.at / ÖIAT Österreichisches Institut für angewandte Telekommunikation, Ovos and fit4Internet.